Informatics Video Channel

We are different but we are one

Informatics Department Profile

We are dedicated to aligning knowledge to meet the global challenges of the 21st century. Watch this video profile to find out why the Informatics Department of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta is known as one of the best educational institutions in the world in the field of computer science and information systems.

  • Information Systems Study Program
  • Information Systems Study Program

    A field of computer science that focuses on the development and application of information technology in business and organizational contexts.


Rahmat Aziz Al Hakam won the 2019 Technology Hackaton event. Rahmat won 1st place at the National level at the event which took place from 23 - 24 January.
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  • IF Admin
  • | 19 April 2024

Bisa AI Data Engineering Competition (2020)

Bisa AI The Data Engineering Competition is a competition to become a reliable Data Engineer.

Lebih Lanjut

  • IF Admin
  • | 19 April 2024

Busan Choral Festival And Competiton (2023)

The competition requires the rendition of an Obligatory Piece exclusively arranged for the event and a Choice piece.

Lebih Lanjut

Important Department Announcements

Student Research Grants

LPPM UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta provides an opportunity for UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta students to apply for Thesis/Thesis/Dissertation research assistance with the output of the national publication Sinta

1, Sinta

2, and Accredited Journal.

Trial and Judiciary

Announcement for all students who will register for trials and judiciary


College Guide Document

Department Facilities

The Department of Informatics Engineering at UPN Veteran Yogyakarta provides various facilities to support a comfortable, supportive and conducive learning environment. These supporting facilities include environmentally friendly internal campus transportation, green spaces for various activities, health clinics, and much more.
image 4BigBlock

Seminar Room

This seminar room is to support activities carried out by departments and students, such as departmental judiciary events, new student admission activities, public lecture workshops, seminars, meetings and scientific discussion forums.

image 4BigBlock


The library is a supporting facility on campus that can be used by students to find references and discuss. Apart from that, this library has a Hotspot room for students to search for references via the internet.

image 4BigBlock

Learning and Research Laboratory

Lab. Basis Data

Lab. Jaringan

Lab. Komputasi

Lab. Geoinformatika

Lab. Internet of Things

Lab. Teknologi Mobile

Lab. Cloud Computing

Lab. Rancang Bangun Perangkat Lunak

Lab. Sistem Informasi

Lab. Robotika

image 4BigBlock

Sports Facilities

Sports facilities are part of the campus facilities that can be used by the entire academic community. The sports facilities currently available include a basketball court, rock climbing wall, football field, volleyball court and multi-purpose gym.



General image event pool 24 Mar - 08 Sep
UPNYK Holds CEO Talk with President Director of PT Freeport Indonesia

The CEO Talk entitled "Leading in an Era of Change with the Spirit of Defending the Nation" presented as resource person the President Director of PT Freeport Indonesia Tony Wenas

Lebih Lanjut
General image event pool 18 Mar - 08 Sep
LPPM UPNYK Holds Community Service Workshop

This event was attended by a number of UPNYK lecturers who were interested in developing community service projects

Lebih Lanjut
General image event pool 15 Mar - 08 Sep
LPPM UPNYK Holds Workshop on Facilitating External Research Proposals

The External Research Proposal Assistance Workshop was attended by resource person Prof. Drs. Karna Wijaya, M.Eng, Dr. rer nat, an expert in the field of research and community service

Lebih Lanjut
Informatika UNPVY 2024 All rights reserved.

Jurusan Informatika UPN 'Veteran' Yogyakarta

Jl. Babarsari Jl. Tambak Bayan No.2, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta, 55281

8.00 AM - 16:00PM